Drawing on our experience in all major industries, we develop solutions that meet the most challenging IT problems. Our team follows one of two approaches to development. In full lifecycle application projects, we assume complete responsibility for analysis, design, implementation, testing and integration of systems. In cooperative development, we work with your IT professionals to jointly analyze, design, implement, test and integrate systems.


Excellers (People at Exceloid) work where their ideas make a transformation happen. From developing software that transforms Retail to developing next-gen solutions for the supply-chain industry, Excellers change the way that people experience the world.

At Exceloid, every voice & every action contributes to growth of our stakeholders. We collaborate with global leaders like Open source ERP, Scala & Alfresco, using erp strategies and retail technologies to build solutions that help enterprises better their profits.

Throw a challenge at our diverse team of thinkers and doers, Excellers are more than happy to grab it with both their hands & contribute to the solution to the best of their abilities. Get in touch with Exceloid today!